Syurga ku dunia ku ...
Wakakakak !!!
Tak yah la kaya sangat ....
Bila nakhoda sudah tiada nanti ... bahtera gundah gulana la jadi nya ..
Gaduh sini dan sana ... muakakakak !!
Akibat tamak dan haloba ...
He he he
Lifestyle of the Taib girls
By Sarawak Report

The guests included Sarawak Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud and many of the glittering and bejewelled female members of his own family. These will have all doubtless have attended for free. On the other hand, the businessmen, who were arm-twisted into supporting the event, are said to have had to pay a RM1 million donation!
‘Sexy lighting’ – Ladies in Red
Playboy collection – Ani Ta Tufail (by day she acts as a company director) and friends are the ‘women in red’
Elia Geneid (niece of Taib) gets flirty
AniTa Tufail before she bought the hair dye and husband
Taib niece, Elia Geneid – with a house this big I will dress as I want to
Smooching up to my brother – niece Anita Tufail
Elia Geneid – all on show for her funky male friends
Harem – Taib’s daughter Jamilah (second right) is Director and Shareholder of many of Taib’s huge foreign property interests abroad, while (far right) neice Anita Tufail inserted herself into the Board of a major timber company straight after college to profit from the proceeds of logging
Busts and baubbles – low cut dresses for Taib sister Raziah and daughters to show off the main attraction (the wealth around their necks)
Old and young – Taib’s sister, Zaleh Mahmud with the next generation, posing for the boys and getting through husbands like old dresses.
Bad influence? – dressing sexy
For sale? – pouring out onto the street
Give it tongue – Clearly the menfolk approve!
Muslim decorum?
All on show – Taib neice, Elia Geneid
This traditional attire looks better – except it is explained that it was just a’Raya joke’ by Yakub Tufail!
Hey don’t forget the Key Man who made it all happen! – Taib at the Monaco ‘Islamic Fashion Show’ with his son, brother in law – and some suckers who paid?
A recent ‘Islamic Fashion Show’, staged in the gambling tax haven of Monaco, is being hammered by Muslim clerics, not just for encouraging a lack of modesty in apparel, but for the flaunting of obscene wealth by the Malaysian organisers and guests, who enjoyed a lavish party in the name of charity.
The guests included Sarawak Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud and many of the glittering and bejewelled female members of his own family. These will have all doubtless have attended for free. On the other hand, the businessmen, who were arm-twisted into supporting the event, are said to have had to pay a RM1 million donation!
The guests included Sarawak Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud and many of the glittering and bejewelled female members of his own family. These will have all doubtless have attended for free. On the other hand, the businessmen, who were arm-twisted into supporting the event, are said to have had to pay a RM1 million donation!
An Example from our ‘First Family’?
Now Sarawak Report has come into possession of a series of photographs of Sarawak’s ‘First Family’ that may very well send the Muslim clerics into a state of shock. It seems that the sisters, daughters and nieces of our Chief Minister are by no means the sober, modest exemplars of Muslim womanhood in the way that they expect others to behave.
To the contrary, while by day Taib’s women present themselves as international company directors and top businesswomen, come party-time we find them flaunting themselves in low-cut dresses and lewd poses, which would put most normal women to shame. Sarawak Report has no wish to impose any form of dress or behaviour on modern women. However, we do suggest that BN’s Muslim moralisers should live up to their own strictures in a country where women can be severely punished for drinking in public or behaving lewdly.
For this reason the female members of Taibs family must be grateful that they are in fact living in the State of Sarawak, which is Christian and therefore minded to forgive sinners and fallen women. These are the Taibs own pictures. These women posed for them and then posted them up on Facebook. We think that the people of Sarawak, not just their hundreds of facebook friends should be entitled to see them and come to their own conclusions.
To the contrary, while by day Taib’s women present themselves as international company directors and top businesswomen, come party-time we find them flaunting themselves in low-cut dresses and lewd poses, which would put most normal women to shame. Sarawak Report has no wish to impose any form of dress or behaviour on modern women. However, we do suggest that BN’s Muslim moralisers should live up to their own strictures in a country where women can be severely punished for drinking in public or behaving lewdly.
For this reason the female members of Taibs family must be grateful that they are in fact living in the State of Sarawak, which is Christian and therefore minded to forgive sinners and fallen women. These are the Taibs own pictures. These women posed for them and then posted them up on Facebook. We think that the people of Sarawak, not just their hundreds of facebook friends should be entitled to see them and come to their own conclusions.