'Pit such an idealistic philosophy against a united BN, and this will be the best guarantee for BN to rule for another 50 years.'
Haris Ibrahim: We are not the third force
Wira: Dear Haris Ibrahim, a third force will only benefit BN. If you want to change Pakatan Rakyat, join one of its component parties. Otherwise within MCLM (Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement), participate in the next GE under the umbrella of Pakatan.
The opposition is still not strong enough to topple BN and statistically speaking, using historical data, there will be a swing towards BN in the next GE following a strong showing from the opposition in the last elections. Don't fail to learn the lessons from Galas and Batu Sapi.
ONG: Haris emphasised that the movement is not a political party, had no plans to be one, and yet it is going to select candidates for the next elections.
Either he mistook general elections which are definitely political in nature for a social club election, or they are indulging in double talk or are just giving us a puzzle to solve as a pastime.
The political philosophy of the MCLM, he said, is that candidates selected for a general election would only need to have allegiance to the rakyat. It is amazing that a normally very intelligent person can believe that such idealism can work in present-day Malaysia, where allegiance to the rakyat can, and most likely will mean that every individual rakyat will lay claim to a piece of his 'wakil' (representative).
We have already seen how the Malaysian rakyat, even Pakatan supporters, makes individual and personal demands on their 'wakil'. Pit such an idealistic philosophy against a united BN, and this will be the best guarantee for BN to rule for another 50 years.
Kee Thuan Chye: If neither coalition wants the MLCM candidates, they should not stand as Independents. This will take the votes away from Pakatan and merely help the BN cause.
Proarte: MCLM will have to be radical by Malaysian standards and that means conforming to international norms of democratic governance and being unashamedly secular as per the constitution. It should reinforce the idea of equality of all citizens before the law.
Affirmative action will be based on need and not race. Islam will have its official role however all religions will be accorded equal respect and dignity. Freedom of worship will be emphasised.
There will be no 'Muslim agenda' which has been a disaster and has led to unnecessary division and strife in our country. The fact that Lina Joy's lawyer Malik Imtiaz Sarwar has been co-opted as the first prospective candidate is encouraging.
MCLM will have to ensure that 'Ketuanan Melayu' and 'Ketuanan Islam' as a political philosophy will be unequivocally confined to the dustbin of history.
Paul Warren: Easily said, but doable? I'm rather skeptical about that. Unfortunately the Malaysian voter has still not grown up and looking for the wrong things in their politicians. They would find people like Malik Imtiaz rather difficult to understand, although it would be people like him who we need in Parliament.
Umno needs more of people like Bung Mokhtar Radin. But his usefulness is limited to putting his hands up when needed. Both he and his Umno patrons know that is all he is good for, anyway.
Friday, December 17, 2010
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