“The prime minister lied to the Dewan Rakyat in November 2010 when in his parliamentary answer to Bukit Bendera (MP Liew Chin Ton), he said that there are no full-time staff or contract staff specially assigned to his wife, Rosmah Mansor.
“Najib’s statement has now been proven to be a pack of lies with the discovery that there exists a “FLOM division” in the Prime Minister’s Office dedicated to serving Rosmah as evidenced by the PMO’s very own staff directory web page.
” The fact that the web page was suddenly removed two to three days ago upon being criticised by the public makes the existence of this division all the more suspicious,” said Kok, the Seputeh MP, in a statement.
FMT yesterday in a report revealed that the FLOM division indeed existed as a full-fledged unit. It has six staff members and enjoys the same in stature as the PMO’s Media Division, Policy and Research Division, and SMPKE (Chief Executive Information and Management System) – an ICT Division. FLOM is even larger than the Economy Division which is supposedly of prime importance to Najib.
woooo... woooo... woooo.... isu Fat Lady Of Malaysia (FLOM) sudah masuk Parlimen pada November 2010... beb..., dan Tuan Menteri Perdana menipu beb.... apa sudah jadi ni....????
1Malaysia kena tipu.... ha..ha..ha..., bini punya pasal sanggup menipu Dewan Rakyat... maknanya sekaligus telah menipu rakyat laaaaa.... malangnya rakyat Malaysia ada Perdana Menteri seperti ini.... ishhh... ishhh.. ishhhh...
Itulah akibatnya kalau keraaajaan laki bini terlalu asyik berkaraoke lagu "Fantasia Bulan Madu".... kah... kah... kah....
Bini di Utamakan... rakyat pi mampuih laaaaa..... kah...kah...kah.... kalau tak menipu bukan umno namanya.... by Zergdukes@gmail.com (Isa)