Dr M's Islam
Just imagine what Islam would be like under Nik Aziz’s rule together with Karpal (Singh), (Lim) Kit Siang and (Lim) Guan Eng. Nik Aziz might even agree to loosen the practice of Islam if his non-Muslims colleagues think so. It is because of Malay nationalists our country is now governed by Malay-Muslim leaders. These leaders instil Islamic practices in the government administration and build mosques and banned the national lottery... how bad can these nationalists be?
Dr Mahathir Mohamad on the PAS Murshidul Am's refusal to be drawn into Mahathir's condemnation of Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew
Serdang Hospital
We need forensic investigation and not just structural inspection. A structural report is not enough.
Liow Tiong Lai, Health minister, on collapse of the ceiling in the main lobby of Serdang Hospital
Water impasse
The state reiterates that there is a need to reform the lopsided privatisation of the water industry which has denied the people of Selangor efficient, high quality water services at reasonable rates. We urge the federal government to consult with the state government and together find the best way possible to return the right to affordable water back to the people.
Khalid Ibrahim, Selangor MB, calling for international arbitration to fix a fair price for water players’ assets and liabilities
RCI for Teoh's death
Is the RCI allowed to take a different position in the High Court? We can’t have separate findings in the RCI and in the High Court revision. I was informed in open court they are pushing for suicide.
Gobind Singh Deo, Puchong MP, saying Teoh Beng Hock’s family was baffled by the Attorney-General’s insistence on holding two separate proceedings into his death at the same time
Preliminary analysis shows that there is an increase in the Chinese voter support to some 65 per cent for the PAS/PR candidate in the by-election compared to 55 per cent in the 2008 general election. Is Chua Soi Lek going to continue to misinterpret and distort the political wishes and hopes of the Tenang voters by persisting in the false and fraudulent claim that the increased 65 per cent of Chinese voter support for the PR candidate is support for hudud and Islamic state?
Lim Kit Siang, DAP advisor, disputing claims from MCA BN had recaptured Chinese support in Tenang
The DAP said we were silly to think we could win by playing up this issue. BN’s victory in Tenang is also an endorsement of the 1 Malaysia concept and ETP (Economic Transformation Programme) of the Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Najib Razak). I thank the voters in Tenang for their support for BN. The opposition has failed to reduce the majority.
Chua Soi Lek, MCA president
We will continue to execute an effective strategy to increase our capability and efficiency in the next election. For too long we have faced UMNO-BN who are always armed with a limitless federal budget and a biased media, as well as an unfair playing field in terms of election rules.
Abdul Hadi Awang, PAS president
We need justice on who killed him... we need to know how it happened; therefore we will work with anyone who is genuine. As long as this case is not politicised we are ever willing.
T Mohan, MIC Youth chief, saying MIC is “ever ready” to engage with opposition Pakatan Rakyat to get to the bottom of the mystery surrounding the death of detainee A Kugan
Missing from Sarawak Hansard
I did not have an easy time making my speech in the state assembly on Nov 4, 2010. I was interrupted many times by the speaker, state minister of public health and environment Wong Soon Koh and assistant minister in the Chief Minister's Office Larry Sng when I touched on the wealth of Taib and his family members. But I took the position that the truth had to be told, for the sake of the people. Unfortunately, the parts on the wealth of Taib and his family are missing from the Hansard, and I have asked the speaker for an explanation on this.
Violet Yong Wui Wui, DAP's Pending state assemblyperson
hdaily09 Harakahdaily
Dr M's Islam... Water impasse... Post-Tenang...Missing from Sarawak Hansard. All in HM. http://bit.ly/hbozNOhttp://fb.me/ur2RDrkR