(All times are local in Egypt, GMT+2)
7:59pm Picture of camel charging at the anti-government protesters, taken earlier in the day. (See below around 4pm)

7:54pm Ambulances have not been able to reach the wounded anti-government protesters in Tahrir Square and there are possibly hundreds of people there with serious injuries.
7:41pm Al Jazeera web producer at Tahrir Square says that a crowd of about 500 pro-Mubarak people started throwing rocks over tanks near Qasr al-Nil bridge.
7:36pm Martin Indyk, a former US Ambassador to Israel, who's also worked as the assistant secretary of state for near eastern affairs and for Aipac, America's pro-Israel lobby live on Al Jazeera from New York - watch live here: http://aje.me/ajelive
7:21pm An anti-government protester tells Al Jazeera, "It's a siege mentality. The image that comes to mind is Tiananmen Square." Seconds later, Egyptian TV begins making an announcement repeatedly:
You have to evacuate Tahrir Square immediately. We've got confirmed information that violent groups are heading toward Tahrir Square carrying firebombs and seeking to burn the Square.
7:14pm Anti-Mubarak protesters continue to accuse the ruling NDP of sending thugs to break up peaceful rallies. Pro-government demonstrators have reportedly been cursing Al Jazeera throughout the clashes, during which the AFP news agency has said some 500 people were injured.
7:05pm An Al Jazeera correspondent is hearing scattered shots being fired on side streets near Tahrir Square and says "it's a very dangerous and difficult night here as people try to protect their neighborhoods and their families".
6:58pm Ambulances are heading to Tahrir Square, as tension seems to have subsided slightly in the past few minutes.
6:50pm Egypt continues to rejected international calls for an immediate transfer of power, as pro- and anti-government supporters clash in the streets of Cairo. In addition to organising louder and bolder rallies in favor of Mubarak, pro-government demonstrators have been seen dropping stones and firebombs from buildings onto people below.
6:41pm A former general in the Egyptian intelligence services tells Al Jazeera, "I expect the army will act to remove Mubarak from power ... Mubarak is ready to burn the country".
6:37pm Cairo resident tells Al Jazeera that he witnessed police officers trying to bribe porters and security guards in his apartment building. They were asked to go and beat up anti-government protesters in Tahrir Square.
6:20pm White House issues official statement on the violence in Egypt.
The United States deplores and condemns the violence that is taking place in Egypt, and we are deeply concerned about attacks on the media and peaceful demonstrators. We repeat our strong call for restraint.
6:17pm Al Jazeera's producer in Cairo is reporting that the Hilton Hotel staff are checking all the rooms for cameras and then the security is confiscating them.
6:12pm Al Jazeera reporting that the Egyptian museum was fire bombed and the army is now trying to put out the fire.
6:10pm Catherine Ashton, the European Union's High representative for Foreign Affairs, speaks on Al Jazeera live from Brussels.
6:07pm Egyptian TV says that the military is calling for citizens to arrest those who stole military cloth and hand them over.
5:47pm PJ Crowley, US Assistant Secretary of State, tweets about violence
We reiterate our call for all sides in #Egypt to show restraint and avoid violence. Egypt's path to democratic change must be peaceful.
5:34pm Al Jazeera receiving photos and videos from people in Egypt. see yourmedia.aljazeera.net