Dr Anas Zain Hakim, Seri Kembangan |
Of late, there has been a surge of blogs on the internet which are critical of the BN government. These blogs provide information and revealing details about the abuses, and some of these blogs are not tied to any political party, giving them perhaps the freedom to attacks whoever they want. However, as much as these blogs are necessary in a democracy, we must use our heads and thinking ability to isolate the lies from the truth. Blogs are after all meant to be that way. Not so for printed media or online media which are officially run. I am referring to the many proper media and tabloids run by the Pakatan Rakyat parties. PAS's Harakah, its website Harakahdaily, DAP's Rocket,the former Suara Keadilan, and other newspapers and online media connected to PR parties. It disappoints and pains me to see that these PR media and tabloids have slowly degraded into Utusan Malaysia-type contents and reports. One example is the Selangor state government's paper Selangor Kini, which is distributed freely. One would be forgiven for thinking that it is inspired by Utusan-style reporting. We understand the Selangor government is hardpressed to counter the propaganda from UMNO mouthpieces and television stations. However, as part of a political pact which among others fights for professionalism in journalism and fair reporting, it would do good for papers like Selangor Kini to avoid overtly partisan style of writing and which appears to be talking down to its readers and ultimately insulting their intelligence. If it wants to prove a point, just report the facts. However, what one comes across are loads and loads of partisan craps with very little reporting about the progress achieved by the Selangor government. For example, is it proper to report what the political secretary of the Menteri Besar is saying, when such a designation is normally to advice the MB and not to issue public statements? I am sure there are many good things done by the Selangor government despite the huge odds stacked against them, but it seems the editors employed to produce this paper (and other papers)are lacking the skill, tactfullness and professionalism to put the message across, other than name calling and partisan statements. In the end, the fence sitters are disgusted and the pro-UMNO Selangorians are not convinced. It then becomes a political masturbation, whereby the editors indulge in self-fulfilling rhetoric. The Selangor government's voice is funded by public money, and it should be a voice for all Selangorians regardless of political affiliation. The Selangor state government should rethink its media policies and put their communication apparatus in order. It should be able to draw the line between the party (funded by its members) and government (voted and funded by the people). Just as Pakatan Rakyat should not become a carbon copy of Barisan Nasional, Pakatan-owned papers should not be a carbon copy of Utusan Malaysia and its likes. Having said that, I hope Harakahdaily would continue to provide facts when reporting. So far, I am impressed by your online selections though there is always room for improvement. http://bit.ly/fdpQLs |
Thursday, February 10, 2011
PR's media should avoid Utusan-style reportage
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