The way of the dictators
Dictators all over the world make money through defence contracts. And the exorbitant price that Malaysia is paying for the six patrol boats can only be because of shenanigans. Why can’t Malaysia call for an open tender like other countries?
Raja Petra Kamaruddin, self-exiled blogger
I think there are Malaysians who have asked for his help. There must be people behind him, asking him to give negative views of our prime minister. I believe Malott is backed by a Malaysian who is facing a political death, but I will not name names… He (Zainal Aznam) is talking “nonsense”.
Ibrahim Ali, chief of right-wing UMNO offshoot Perkasa, attacking former US ambassador John Malott and National Economic Advisory Council (NEAC) member Zainal Aznam Mohd Yusof for their criticism of race-based policies
Ops Lalang rewritten?
Well, I would have handled it differently, except that the police wanted to do these things because they say it is necessary... I actually met all of the opposition members (beforehand) and assured them that they would not be arrested. And you know what the police did? They arrested them. My credibility is gone. Yeah, but what can I do?
Dr Mahathir Mohamad, on the infamous Ops Lalang in 1987 which saw 106 people arrested under ISA
I never met Mahathir and he never gave me any assurance that I would not be arrested before the launch of Operasi Lalang on Oct 27, 1987... Let Mahathir name the opposition leaders he had met! Mahathir is not only suffering from selective memory and faulty memory but is spinning untruths about his misdeeds in his 22 years as prime minister.
Lim Kit Siang, DAP advisor
Perkasa's raison d'etre
Perkasa has been silent on the Cabinet’s failure to resolve MIC’s Maika Holdings scandal, MCA’s Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) debacle and the RM52 billion in Bumiputera shares that 'disappeared' instead of being given to the Bumiputera poor. Worse, is the biggest scandal reported by the US-based financial watchdog Global Financial Integrity (GFI) that illegal money outflows from Malaysia for the period 2000-2008 topped US$291 billion or RM888 billion. What difference is BN from Perkasa when Perkasa can exercise such strong influence to completely sabotage the NEM?
Lim Guan Eng, Penang CM, saying Perkasa exists to protect cronyism
Cyber crime
In 2009, only 3,564 cases were recorded by Cyber999 but that number jumped to a much higher level last year (at 8,090 cases). There were 419 cases of blackmail last year.
Husin Jazri, CyberSecurity Malaysia CEO
Freedom after speech
We are helping him (Shuhaimi Shafie) in view of the charge against him. Assemblymen have the right to be able to speak out. We want assemblymen and state officers to be able to carry out their duties without fear. We are only paying for the legal fees.
Khalid Ibrahim, Selangor MB
To the court
We have had enough of his racism. Arts-Ed, the NGO concerned, has already admitted that it had distributed the booklet, so what else does (Muhammad Farid) want to say? We should focus on the economy, education, job opportunities and welfare of the people; not allow Muhammad Farid to play up this racist issue to cover other scandals...
Lim Guan Eng, Penang CM, on legal action against Pulau Betong assemblyman Muhammad Farid Saad for claiming the state government was behind distribution of a misleading tourism booklet on Balik Pulau
Full costs?
I would like to say here that the comparison of costs made by Tony Pua is not accurate at all. The costs of acquisition by other countries, which [were] revealed by several blogs, did not reflect the actual price of the said assets.
Abdul Aziz Jaafar, Navy chief admiral, denying opposition claims that a RM6 billion deal for six offshore patrol vessels (OPV) was costlier than for comparable crafts, saying other nations did not provide full costs for such purchases http://fb.me/VD0shNej