State media reports that Egyptian military leaders held an important meeting as protesters plan new demonstrations.
According to MENA, Hussein Tantawi, the chief commander and defence minister, chaired a meeting on Friday of the Armed Forces Supreme Council and it is expected that the military will issue an important statement to the people afterwards. Protesters enraged by Mubarak's refusal to resign streamed into Cairo's central square on Friday and promised to expand their push to drive the president out. The standoff posed a major test for the military as protesters stepped up calls for the army to intervene against Mubarak, a former air force commander and one of its own. Mubarak gave most of his powers to his vice-president but refused to resign or leave the country late on Thursday, hours after the military made moves that had all the markings of a coup. "We are waiting for a strong reaction from the army to Mubarak's speech," said Mohammed Mustapha, a protest spokesman. He said "huge numbers" of protesters were expected on Friday. Pressure mounting Organisers said protesters were already camped outside the presidential palace and buildings housing the cabinet, parliament and state TV. They planned rallies at six separate protest locations, in addition to Tahrir Square, the centre of the mass rallies that began on January 25. "We are going to camp everywhere to put more pressure on the regime," said Abdel-Rahman Samir, an organiser. Prominent reform advocate Mohamed ElBaradei, whose supporters were among the organisers of the 18-day-old wave of protests, warned in a Twitter message that "Egypt will explode". "The army must save the country now," the Nobel Peace laureate said. "I call on the Egyptian army to immediately interfere to rescue Egypt. The credibility of the army is on the line." Protesters' hopes that Mubarak would resign had been raised on Thursday when a council of the military's top generals announced it had stepped in to secure the country, and a senior commander told protesters in Tahrir Square that all their demands would soon be met. Hints of rift The military's Supreme Council said earlier on state TV that it was in permanent session, a status that it takes only in times of war. It said it was exploring "what measures and arrangements could be made to safeguard the nation, its achievements and the ambitions of its great people." That suggested Tantawi and his generals were in charge of the country. The statement was labelled "Communique No. 1," language that also suggests a military coup. State TV showed Tantawi chairing the council with around two dozen top stern-faced army officers seated around a table. Mubarak and Vice-President Omar Suleiman, a former army general and intelligence chief named to his post after the protests erupted, were not present, the strongest indication during the day of a rift. |
Friday, February 11, 2011
Egypt military to issue statement
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